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What is fascia lata allograft?

What is fascia lata allograft?

Fascia lata allograft is a fibrous connective tissue recovered from the lateral aspect of the thigh. It is most commonly used for clinical applications such as labrum repairs, dural replacement, fascial reanimation and reconstructions of the rotator cuff and cruciate ligaments.

Is fascia lata and tensor fascia lata same?

The fascia lata is a fibrous sheath that encircles the thigh like a subcutaneous stocking and tightly binds its muscles. The tensor fasciae latae works in synergy with the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles to abduct and medially rotate the femur. The TFL is a hip abductor muscle.

What is the fascia lata?

The fascia lata (FL) is a fascial plane that surrounds the deep tissues of the thigh. It varies in thickness throughout its course from the hip to the leg. It receives fibers from gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata (TFL) laterally.

How do you harvest fascia lata?

The harvest limits are as follows: laterally—4 cm anterior to the lateral intermuscular septum—this is to preserve a 4 cm strip of the iliotibial band; inferiorly—10 cm superior to the lateral femoral condyle joint—this is to preserve the FL condensation around the knee; and superiorly—up to 15 cm from the level of …

Does fascia lata cover gluteus maximus?

The gluteal fascia encloses the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata muscles (Figs 8.17A–8.21). Over the gluteus maximus this fascia is very thin and adheres to it by numerous intramuscular septa. Some loose connective tissue is present between this muscle and the deep fascia.

What is located in superficial layer of fascia lata?

Superficial fascia This fascia consists of loose areolar and adipose tissue. In the inguinal region, this fascia splits into two layers to enclose the long saphenous vein and superficial inguinal lymph nodes.

What causes tensor fasciae latae pain?

The main cause for TFL pain is overuse and compensation for weaker surrounding muscles. Pain occurring in muscles is often the result of the muscles compensating or working much harder than they were made to work. This compensation occurs due to surrounding muscles being dysfunctional due to inhibition or weakness.

Which is the best graft for iliotibial tract surgery?

The fascia lata graft is a popular choice as the iliotibial tract provides a particularly high concentration of connective tissue fibres, and can be surgically harvested whilst leaving the majority of fibres intact. Novel developments in transplantation have also shown success with using fascia lata in reconstructive surgery.

Where does the fascia lata merge with the iliotibial tract?

The deep layer of the superficial fascia of the abdominal wall (Scarpa’s fascia) blends with the fascia lata just below the inguinal ligament. The lateral thickening of fascia lata forms the iliotibial tract and receives tendon insertions superiorly from gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata.

Is there an alternative to fascia lata graft?

Consider alternatives: cadaver fascia lata or Gore-Tex. A relative contraindication would be cases in which an alternative repair material such as Gore-Tex or temporalis fascia would serve equally well without the need for a second surgical site. Infection at the intended recipient site is a contraindication to free fascia graft placement.

Where does the lateral thickening of fascia lata attach?

The lateral thickening of fascia lata forms the iliotibial tract and receives tendon insertions superiorly from gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata. The widened band of fibres descends the lateral thigh and attaches to the lateral tibial condyle on the anterolateral (Gerdy) tubercle.

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