
What does it mean when someone says your mind is like a steel trap?

What does it mean when someone says your mind is like a steel trap?

Have a mind like a steel trap is a phrase used to describe someone as being a quick learner or having a good memory.

What is a steel trap memory?

To be able to understand or grasp information quickly. David has a mind like a steel trap, so if you give him the instructions, he’ll follow them perfectly.

What does have a mind like a sieve mean?

Definition of have a memory/mind like a sieve informal. : to have a very bad memory : to be unable to remember things.

How can I steel my mind?

Steel your mind

  1. Know yourself.
  2. Absorb what is useful.
  3. Aim past your target.
  4. Focus on growth.
  5. Master your mind and body.
  6. Be Single Minded.

How do you get a mind like a steel trap?

To have a mind like a steel trap is to be able to understand things very quickly; to be able to think very quickly; to be very clearminded and intelligent. 1.

What is a memory trap?

In it I talk about a pervasive feature of our memories: that we tend to overestimate how much of a memory is ‘ours’, and how little is actually shared with other people, or the environment (see also the illusion of explanatory depth). …

What does elephant memory mean?

Meaning: ‘An elephant never forgets’ is a saying, so if a person has a memory like an elephant, he or she has a very good memory indeed.

What is the sentence of a mind like a sieve?

To be exceptionally forgetful or absentminded. I need to start getting more sleep at night, because lately I’ve had a mind like a sieve. John has a mind like a sieve—I had to leave him three separate reminders about the play tomorrow night!

What does it mean to steel your mind?

: to make (oneself) ready for something difficult or unpleasant : to fill (oneself) with determination and courage Steel yourself—I have bad news. He steeled himself for the interview.

What does stealing mind mean?

It means “make up your mind and don’t hesitate”.

What is a bear trap mind?

have a mind like a steel trap: to be able to think very quickly, clearly and intelligently. from the Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed.

What does fish memory mean?

A very poor memory.

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