
What are the color codes for resistors?

What are the color codes for resistors?

Standard Resistor Values and Color Components and wires are coded with colors to identify their value and function. The colors brown, red, green, blue, and violet are used as tolerance codes on 5-band resistors only. All 5-band resistors use a colored tolerance band.

What color is a 6.8 K resistor?


Value First Color Third Color
56* Green 5.6 k
62 Blue 6.2 k
68* Blue 6.8 k
75 Violet 7.5 k

What is resistor color coding and explain 4 bands of resistor?

4 band resistor The four band color code is the most common variation. These resistors have two bands for the resistance value, one multiplier and one tolerance band. In the example shown here, the 4 bands are green, blue, red and gold. By using the color code chart, one finds that green stands for 5 and blue for 6.

What are the color codes of resistors?

Black: 0

  • Brown: 1
  • Red: 2
  • Orange: 3
  • Yellow: 4
  • Green: 5
  • Blue: 6
  • Putple: 7
  • White: 8
  • Silver (Tolerance 10%)
  • Why is colour code used for resistors?

    Components and wires are coded with colors to identify their value and function . Resistor Color Coding uses colored bands to quickly identify a resistors resistive value and its percentage of tolerance with the physical size of the resistor indicating its wattage rating.

    What does a resistor color code mean?

    The resistor color code indicates the electronic value of a resistor. Manufacturers devised the universal electronic color code rating system in the early part of the twentieth century because the bands of color were much easier to read on a small resistor than tiny print, and were also cheaper to produce.

    What do the colours on the resistor mean?

    Resistor body colors white and blue are used to mark non-flammable resistors and fusible resistors. If you encounter tjis type of resistor in the circuit do not replace it with normal reistor because this would cause fire danger is something goes wring in the circuit.

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