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What are the causes of tropical storms?

What are the causes of tropical storms?

Causes of tropical storms

  • Air on surface of ocean is heated (it also contains lots of moisture)
  • Hot, humid air rises, cools and condenses.
  • Rising air creates low pressure.
  • Rotation of the earth means winds do not blow straight.
  • The storm continues to feed itself.
  • Whole system moves westwards towards land.

What are the effects of a tropical storm?

The immediate effects of strong winds, high rainfall and storm surges . Buildings and bridges can be destroyed, people can get into difficulties in the water, and roads and railways can become damaged. Power cables and telephone lines come down, crops are ruined, and water and sewage supplies are affected.

What are 4 impacts of tropical storms?

Hazards from tropical cyclones (which include tropical depressions, tropical storms, and hurricanes) include storm surge flooding, inland flooding from heavy rains, destructive winds, tornadoes, and high surf and rip currents.

What is the cause and effect of hurricanes?

Hurricanes form over the warm ocean water of the tropics. When warm moist air over the water rises, it is replaced by cooler air. The cooler air will then warm and start to rise. This cycle causes huge storm clouds to form.

How does climate change effect tropical storms?

Climate change could lead to more locations being affected by tropical storms. Warmer seas could cause the source areas (the areas where the storms would form) to extend further north and south of the equator. rainfall rates during these storms are projected to increase by about 20 per cent.

Why do some tropical storms have severe primary effects?

Primary and secondary effects of tropical storms. Primary effects of tropical storms are: Storm surges, with the low air pressure sea levels are very high, along with strong on-shore winds huge waves are created causing extensive coastal flooding. • Heavy rainfall can cause widespread flooding.

What effects do tropical storms have on the environment?

Primary Effects of Tropical Storms Drowning. Buildings are destroyed or damaged. Electric supplies are cut off due to power lines being destroyed. Sewage is released due to flooding.

What effects do tropical storms have on people and the environment?

Tropical storms are intense low pressure systems that bring devastating effects to people and the environment. Paragraph 1. People may be affected by death, bereavement and shock. Their homes may be destroyed, and transport and communication links may stop working.

How does climate change affect tropical cyclones?

Climate change may affect tropical cyclones in a variety of ways: an intensification of rainfall and wind speed, a decrease in overall frequency, an increase in frequency of very intense storms and a poleward extension of where the cyclones reach maximum intensity are among the possible consequences of human-induced …

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