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What are the 3 entities of ZTA?

What are the 3 entities of ZTA?

Continuing inclusive leadership from our three entities: Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, and the Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation.

What is Zeta Tau Alpha’s motto?

Seek the Noblest
Zeta Tau Alpha/Motto

What is the GPA requirement for Zeta Tau Alpha?

3.0 on a
You must: Be a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity in good standing. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Be a current sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student with plans to continue full-time education for the entirety of the 2021-2022 academic year.

How do you become a Zeta Tau Alpha?

In order to join a sorority, potential new members must go through a recruitment process. Recruitment is a mutual selection process in which collegians determine the sororities that best fit them, and those groups determine which women they will ask to join.

What are Zetas values?

These core values include friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity and community. ZTA partners locally and nationally with other NPC organizations, as well as other umbrella organizations, by collaborating and sharing programs and working together for the success of the fraternal community.

How does Zeta Tau Alpha work with omegaone?

With Zeta Tau Alpha’s OmegaOne partnership, your chapter will have a compelling online presence with a website that highlights ZTA, which your chapter can customize to fit its needs. The sites are mobile-friendly and a great way to promote your chapter to the community. And they’re easy to update with no special knowledge!

Is the Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity end of college?

Our sisterhood doesn’t end with college. ZTA is a lifelong resource and offers unlimited opportunities for fun, friendship and service. Learn how you can stay involved and connected beyond graduation.

Is the Gin system merges with omegafi?

The widely popular GIN system and GIN mobile app will add to the rich communication tools and resources already offered by OmegaFi. As a result of the merger, OmegaFi now works with several hundered thousand undergraduate students and has signficiantly expanded the number of parternships it has with inter/national headquarters.

Who is the founder of the Gin system?

Key GIN staff members have joined the team at OmegaFi that now boasts 113 employees. GIN Founder Ethan Fieldman will serve as a consultant focusing on product development, client-relations, innovation and directing the industry-leading Greek Technology Summit.

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