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How was ancient Greek democracy different from American democracy?

How was ancient Greek democracy different from American democracy?

How did Athenian direct democracy differ from American representative democracy? In Athenian direct democracy all citizens voted and in an American representative democracy citizens vote for representatives to vote for them.

What did democracy look like in ancient Greece?

Democracy in Ancient Greece was very direct. What this means is that all the citizens voted on all the laws. Rather than vote for representatives, like we do, each citizen was expected to vote for every law. They did have officials to run the government, however.

How did Greek influence American democracy?

Another important ancient Greek concept that influenced the formation of the United States government was the written constitution. The original U.S. voting system had some similarities with that of Athens. In Athens, every citizen could speak his mind and vote at a large assembly that met to create laws.

What functions of Greek democracy do we see in the US government today?

The key elements of ancient Greek democracy are still in use today. The United States and many other countries have adopted democratic government to give a voice to their people. Democracy provides citizens the opportunity to elect officials to represent them. It makes all citizens equal under the law.

What is one major difference between the US government and the early government of ancient Greece?

1 Athenian Democracy Was Exclusive The rights afforded to citizens and non-citizens differed greatly, whereas the current American system provides equal protection to all citizens.

How is the US government similar to ancient Greece?

A U.S. state resembles the community structure of an ancient Greek polis, or city-state. A polis was composed of an urban center and the land surrounding it, developments similar to that of the major cities and state capitals in the United States and the rural areas surrounding them.

How did Greece use democracy?

Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so. The officials of the democracy were in part elected by the Assembly and in large part chosen by lottery in a process called sortition.

Is Greece a democracy?

Greece is a parliamentary representative democratic republic, where the President of Greece is the head of state and the Prime Minister of Greece is the head of government within a multi-party system. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Hellenic Parliament.

How does ancient Greek democracy affect US today?

The principles behind the ancient Greeks’ democratic system of government are still in use today. The United States and many other countries throughout the modern world have adopted democratic governments to give a voice to their people. Democracy provides citizens the opportunity to elect officials to represent them.

What was the biggest difference between government in ancient Athens and in ancient Rome?

What was the biggest difference between government in ancient Athens and in ancient Rome? Athens allowed all citizens to vote, while Rome was a republic. Each city-state had its own form of government.

What is democracy meant to the Greeks?

Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives. The term is derived from the Greek ‘demokratia,’ which was coined in the 5th century BCE to denote the political systems of some Greek city-states, notably Athens.

What was a problem of Greek democracy?

Problems arose when aristocrats become jealous of one another and rivalries ensued under the early stages of Athenian democracy. The result of this jealousy was the establishment of a code written by the appointed ruler Draco. This code of laws promoted stability and equity.

What did democracy mean in Greece?

Democracy ( Greek: δημοκρατία, dēmokratiā, from dēmos ‘people’ and kratos ‘rule’) is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislators .

How did the Greeks contribute to democracy?

The most important way in which the greeks influenced American democracy was by allowing citizens to participate in government. All members of society both rich and poor except for women were able to participate in government. Ancient Greece was a model for the U.S. government, but the founders left a few things out.

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