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How old is Jenko and Schmidt 21 Jump Street?

How old is Jenko and Schmidt 21 Jump Street?

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill (34 and 30), 22 Jump Street As undercover cops Jenko and Schmidt, Tatum and Hill were already dealt their fair share of digs about their age when they played high-school students in 2012’s 21 Jump Street.

What are the fake names in 21 Jump Street?

They go undercover as brothers with their undercover names Brad and Doug McQuaid, living at Schmidt’s parents’ house.

Who is Jenko?

Gregory ”Greg” Jenko is the co-protagonist of the 21 Jump Street Movie franchise, serving as the co-protagonist of 21 Jump Street, a 2012 film loosely based upon and serving as a loose sequel to the 1987 television series of the same name and its sequel 22 Jump Street. Jenko is academically challenged.

How did Jenko save Schmidt’s life in 21 Jump Street?

Jenko jumps in front of Schmidt, saving his life and getting shot in the arm in the process. In response Schmidt shoots Mr. Walters in the groin, severing his penis. The duo successfully arrest him and Eric and make amends with each other. Schmidt makes amends with Molly and the two share a kiss.

Who is the actor for Greg Jenko in 21 Jump Street?

He is portrayed by actor and model Channing Tatum . Jenko begins as a popular jock in high school are and seven years later as a ‘down on his luck’ police officer, whom, along with his partner Schmidt, must work undercover as a high school student to take down a drug ring spreading a brand new drug. Jenko is academically challenged.

Who are the main characters in 21 Jump Street?

Morton Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Greg Jenko (Channing Tatum) are former classmates who meet again at police academy. Schmidt was a nerd while Jenko was a jock. They end up becoming friends at the academy as they help with each others’ weaknesses with Schmidt helping Jenko study and Jenko motivating Schmidt through physical activity.

Who are the DEA agents in 21 Jump Street?

When Domingo and his gang arrive, he recognizes Schmidt and Jenko as police officers, and tells two of his men to kill them. However, the two men reveal themselves as DEA Agents Tom Hanson (Johnny Depp) and Doug Penhall (Peter DeLuise), who were a part of the Jump Street program when it began.

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