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How does Kaprekar constant work?

How does Kaprekar constant work?

Take any four digit number (whose digits are not all identical), and do the following: Rearrange the string of digits to form the largest and smallest 4-digit numbers possible. Take these two numbers and subtract the smaller number from the larger.

Why is Kaprekar’s constant important?

6174 is known as Kaprekar’s constant after the Indian mathematician D. R. Kaprekar. This number is notable for the following rule: Arrange the digits in descending and then in ascending order to get two four-digit numbers, adding leading zeros if necessary.

Why does the 1089 trick work?

1089 is widely used in magic tricks because it can be “produced” from any two three-digit numbers. This allows it to be used as the basis for a Magician’s Choice. Take any three-digit number where the first and last digits differ by more than 1.

What is the rarest number?

Therefore the number 6174 is the only number unchanged by Kaprekar’s operation — our mysterious number is unique. The number 495 is the unique kernel for the operation on three digit numbers, and all three digit numbers reach 495 using the operation.

What is Kaprekar’s sequence?

In number theory, Kaprekar’s routine is an iterative algorithm that, with each iteration, takes a natural number in a given number base, creates two new numbers by sorting the digits of its number by descending and ascending order, and subtracts the second from the first to yield the natural number for the next …

What’s the most important number?

But the following 10 are the most important numbers, or constants, in the entire world.

  • Archimedes’ Constant (Pi): 3.1415…
  • Euler’s Number (e): 2.7182…
  • The Golden Ratio: 1.6180…
  • Planck’s Constant: 6.626068 x 10^-34 m^2 kg/s.
  • Avogadro’s Constant: 6.0221515 x 10^23.
  • The Speed of Light: 186,282 miles per second.

What is Kaprekar’s operation?

In 1949, Indian mathematician D. R. Kaprekar, discovered the mysterious beauty of 6174 after devising a process that we now know as Kaprekar’s operation. The operation: start with any four-digit number that is made up of least two different digits, including zero.

What is the most beautiful number?

What Is So Special About The Number 1.61803? The Golden Ratio (phi = φ) is often called The Most Beautiful Number In The Universe. The reason φ is so extraordinary is because it can be visualized almost everywhere, starting from geometry to the human body itself!

What is Capricorns constant?

Kaprekar constant, or 6174, is a constant that arises when we take a 4-digit integer, form the largest and smallest numbers from its digits, and then subtract these two numbers. Continuing with this process of forming and subtracting, we will always arrive at the number 6174.

Which is the special number of the Kaprekar constant?

6174 is the Kaprekar Constant. This number is special as we always get this number when following steps are followed for any four digit number such that all digits of number are not same, i.e., all four digit numbers excluding (0000, 1111, …) Sort four digits in ascending order and store result in a number “asc”.

Who is Kaprekar and what did he come up with?

Kaprekar was an Indian mathematician who came up with this beautiful result from number theory in 1946. It has always been a fascinating theorem, easily understood but hard to prove for amateurs, a lesser Fermat’s last theorem.

Are there 3 digit constants in Python Kaprekar?

You hard-code a lot of special numbers: 4, 9998, 6174, 8. It would be nice to reduce the usage of such constants, and where they are necessary, clarify their purpose. The Wikipedia page mentions that there is a 3-digit Kaprekar Process; it would be nice to have code that is easily adaptable to that related problem.

How many steps is the karpekar process for 4 digit numbers?

The Karpekar process for 4 digit numbers always ends in a maximum of 7 steps, which is not at all easy to prove. A similar process for 3 digit numbers will give 495 as an endpoint in a maximum of 6 steps. 2 digit numbers and 5 or more digit numbers tend to give a repeating series or multiple values for the Kaprekar’s Constant.

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