
How do you use aloofness in a sentence?

How do you use aloofness in a sentence?

a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner.

  1. Her manner partook of an aloofness.
  2. Her cool aloofness was seen as arrogance by some people.
  3. Her aloofness at the interview at the Ritz is a punishment for him not calling her back soon enough.

What is an example of aloofness?

Aloof is defined as at a distance, either physically or mentally. A child standing away from the rest of her friends is an example of someone who is aloof. A student who never pays attention in class is an example of someone who is aloof.

What does aloofness mean in a sentence?

: the quality or state of being aloof or emotionally distant Her aloofness … did not endear her to the rest of the company …— Marybeth Kerrigan … there was an aloofness in him which the boys and I could never quite bridge.—

How do you use the word when in a sentence?

When sentence example

  1. He had climbed many a tree when he was a boy.
  2. When she glanced at him, he was eyeing her, a wry smile twisting his lips.
  3. As always, he had been there when she needed him.
  4. When did this happen, Mom?
  5. That served another purpose when the conversation turned to the possibility of another child.

Who is an aloof person?

Someone who’s aloof isn’t warm and friendly, instead being distant and reserved. That emotionally cold and detached fellow who keeps to himself, drinking espresso and reading French philosophy, would best be described as aloof.

How is aloof used in compound sentences?

Aloof in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The aloof princess stood in a corner alone.
  2. Because Harry was aloof, he did not have many friends.
  3. The new kid in our school is aloof and does not talk to anyone.
  4. In mythology, the Gods are generally aloof from mankind.

Is it good to be aloof?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being alone and aloof from things that one might be disinterested in. And people enjoying and wanting to spend time away from socialites is also absolutely normal. In fact, it’s necessary to spend time with one’s self to have a better understanding of their own existence.

How do you use the word ornery in a sentence?

Ornery sentence example

  1. The doctor told Dean his stepfather was too ornery to suffer any lasting effects from his ordeal.
  2. She’s a bit ornery in comparison and not as physically capable, but she’s my puppy and I wouldn’t trade her for all the polygons in the world.
  3. I don’t remember my parents.

Whats aloofness mean?

: removed or distant either physically or emotionally an aloof, unfriendly manner He stood aloof from worldly success.— John Buchan. aloof.

How do you write a good sentence?

What Makes a Good Sentence?

  1. A good sentence is a complete sentence. A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought—also known as an independent clause.
  2. A good sentence conjures a particular mood.
  3. A good sentence paints a picture.
  4. A good sentence has flow.

Where is a simple sentence?

“I visited my old neighborhood where I have the best memories.” “I went back to the store where I bought my sweater.” “I went to the library where I studied until 8 o’clock.”

Is aloofness an emotion?

Which is the best definition of aloofness?

: the quality or state of being aloof or emotionally distant Her aloofness … did not endear her to the rest of the company … — Marybeth Kerrigan … there was an aloofness in him which the boys and I could never quite bridge.

Who is an example of an aloof person?

— Marybeth Kerrigan … there was an aloofness in him which the boys and I could never quite bridge. — Mildred D. Taylor His aloofness was … born more of insecurity than of arrogance … — David Cannadine … was respected for his military tenacity and his surprising aloofness from party favoritism.

Is it safe to have a policy of aloofness?

Doubtless a policy of aloofness was long the safe policy for us. She was a little piqued at his unexpected attitude of aloofness. Too long had he cultivated reticence, aloofness, and moroseness. There is a kind of aloofness in strong men at great moments.

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