
How do I hyperlink an image in my email signature?

How do I hyperlink an image in my email signature?

To add a hyperlink to the image in your email signature, left-click on the image and when it is highlighted/selected, click the Insert hyperlink icon and provide a hyperlink URL.

How do I hyperlink my email signature?


  1. From your inbox, click the gear icon and choose “Settings.”
  2. Scroll down to the Signature section.
  3. Add the text you want to display as your link.
  4. Highlight the text and click Link.
  5. Paste the sign-up link in the web address field for your signature.
  6. Click OK.

How do I add an image to my html email signature?

Always add ALT text to every image you include in an email signature. If the images do not appear in the recipient’s email, the ALT text will display instead and show what the image is meant to be.

How do I link an image to my Outlook signature?

How to add a hyperlink to an image in your Outlook 365 signature

  1. Double click the image to select it and then click the link icon to add a hyperlink, and press “OK“.
  2. Hit “Save” to update your signature.

How do I insert a picture into my Outlook email signature?

On the Outlook menu, click Preferences. In the Email section, click Signatures. Click the signature name and position the cursor in the signature box. Drag the image from your desktop or from the Format menu click Insert Image.

How do you add a picture to your Outlook email signature?

How do I host an image in my email signature?

Direct link to a hosted image in email signatures

  • Google Drive.
  • OneDrive.
  • Dropbox.
  • Imgur.
  • Flickr.

Which is the HTML file for an email signature?

The files you will be using: email_example.html – This file is your signature (except images). More precisely, it contains HTML code, which, when read by a browser such as Google Chrome, will create the layout and content of your signature. It also contains CSS code, which controls the styling of the signature.

How to add an image to an email signature?

There are two methods you can use when adding email signature images. You can either use embedded images, or you can host them externally and link to them. Both of these methods have different benefits and limitations, so you need to decide which method works best for you.

Do you put alt text on an email signature?

Always add ALT text to every image you include in an email signature. If the images do not appear in the recipient’s email, the ALT text will display instead and show what the image is meant to be. When adding an email signature image, such as a promotional banner, make sure it conforms to your brand guidelines.

What should be included in an email signature?

When adding an email signature image, such as a promotional banner, make sure it conforms to your brand guidelines. These will often include a minimum size for the logo, a brand color palette, and typography. Make sure all images you include are the correct dimensions.

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