Do et al need to be italicized?
Once an in-text citation has been mentioned one time, all subsequent citations to a work with three or more authors should consist of the surname of the first author followed by et al. 3. Many writers use et al. However, it should not be italicized when you are using it as part of a reference.
How do you write the reference for et al?
Use the word “and” between the authors’ names within the text and use the ampersand in parentheses. In subsequent citations, only use the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” in the signal phrase or in parentheses. In et al., et should not be followed by a period.
Should et al be in italics Harvard?
If you have a choice, consider using “et al.” in your reference list. This is preferable, since it helps keep your references succinct. To use “et al.” in your references, state the name of the first listed author and follow it by “et al.” in italics in the author section of the citation.
What should be italicized in a reference?
Italicize titles of longer works (e.g., books, edited collections, names of newspapers, and so on). Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as chapters in books or essays in edited collections.
How do you make et al in italics?
However, in microsoft words, highlight just one et al in your work, press control F, click REPLACE ALL and type et al in the box REPLACE WITH, highlight the et al, press CONTROL I and click OK. All the et als in your work would be in italics.
Is et al italicized in in-text citation?
Note that et al. is italicized in this post when I am using it as a linguistic example, but it should not be italicized when you are using it as part of a reference citation. General Use of Et Al. upon subsequent citations; and articles with six or more authors are abbreviated to the first author name plus et al.
Should et al be in italics UK?
Note that “et al.” is usually italicized. It is an abbreviation for “et alia”,[1] meaning “and others”; the full stop must not be omitted. If a reference would be ambiguous because it has the same author(s) and year as another reference, lower-case letters (“a”, “b”, etc.)
What is et al referencing?
One of these is the Latin phrase et al., an abbreviation meaning “and others.” It is used to shorten lists of author names in text citations to make repeated referencing shorter and simpler.
Why we use et al in reference citation?
Is et al italicized in APA 7th edition?
Note that et al. is italicized in this post when I am using it as a linguistic example, but it should not be italicized when you are using it as part of a reference citation. General Use of Et Al.
Do you italicize the word’et al’?
Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. (p.365) says that commonly used Latin words and abbreviations should not be italicized, and lists “et al.” as an example. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange!
When do you not use italics in an APA paper?
Do not use italics for the following cases in APA Style papers: The punctuation mark after an italicized word or phrase or between elements of a reference list entry (e.g., the comma after a periodical title or issue number, the period after a book title)
When to use’et al’in an APA citation?
In APA style, for a source with three or more authors, list the first author’s last name and “et al.” for all citations, including the first citation. Note that this rule has changed from APA 6th edition guidelines on using ‘‘et al.’’ which recommend listing all author names in the first citation up to five authors but then using
Is there a right or wrong way to use italics?
As is common with such queries, there is no single right or wrong answer, although, increasingly, the trend is to dispense with italics. Most publishers and style guides instruct authors not to use italics for such phrases.