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Can you walk on a Weber B fracture?

Can you walk on a Weber B fracture?

You may walk on the foot as comfort allows. You will find it easier to walk with crutches in the early stages. Follow up: There is a small chance that this type of fracture may displace (move).

Does Weber B need surgery?

Weber C fractures are almost always unstable and require surgical intervention. Weber B fractures occur at the level of the tibiofibular ligaments, just above the talar dome, and happen primarily through a mechanism of ankle supination and external rotation (SER).

What is a Weber B type fracture?

You have sustained a fracture to your fibula (outside ankle bone). It is also called a Weber B fracture. This normally takes six weeks to heal but you may still have pain and swelling for up to six months after your injury.

When can I run after a Weber B fracture?

In general, you can attempt to start running about three to four months after your injury. By this time, the bones in your ankle should be well healed and your ROM and strength should be close to normal. You can progress your running mileage as long as your pain is minimal and your ROM and strength remain excellent.

How long does it take for a Weber fracture to heal?

You have sustained a fracture to your fibula (outside ankle bone) this is classified as a stable Weber A type fracture. Please see the picture below to understand where this injury is. This normally takes approximately 6 weeks to unite (heal) although pain and swelling can be ongoing for 3 to 6 months.

How long does a Weber a fracture take to heal?

How do you start weight bearing after a broken ankle?

The ideal is little and often. Try to walk as normally as possible partial weight bearing on the leg as this will help with your recovery. Partial weight bearing means that you should only be putting half of your body weight on your operated foot. You can aim to keep your heel off the floor to help with this.

Can I drive with a Weber a fracture?

You may walk on the foot as comfort allows but you will find it easier to walk with crutches in the early stages. You can return to driving once your boot has been removed and you feel confident in safely controlling your vehicle.

Is there a non-operative treatment for a Weber ankle fracture?

Weber C: UNSTABLE ANKLE FRACTURES Lateral malleolar fractures Non Operative Treatment 1. Weber A fractures – Stable – Camwalker ± crutches for 6 weeks – Weight bear as tolerated in camwalker – Camwalker can be taken off when not weightbeating – Xray at 6 weeks – Clinical union = no pain at fracture site

How long is a Weber b fracture stable?

Weber B fractures –Stable if undisplaced and mortice intact –Full below knee plaster with crutches –Re Xray at 1 – 2 weeks –Plaster for 6 weeks total –X ray at 6 weeks out of plaster –Clinical union = no pain ANKLE FRACTURES Lateral malleolar fractures

What is the management of an ankle fracture?

Ankle fractures are a common injury across all age groups. Management may be operative or nonoperative, depending on the severity of the injury and the patient’s overall health and functional status. Although imaging defines the nature of the fracture, a careful history and physical also helps determine the patient’s plan of care.

What are the different types of ankle fractures?

Weber/AO – categorizes fractures on level of the fibular fracture. Type A – Fractures below the tibial plafond and typically transverse. Type B – Fractures at level of tibial plafond and typically extend proximally in a spiral or short oblique fashion. Type C – Fractures above the tibial plafond and associated with syndesmotic injuries.

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