
Can different wavelengths have same frequency?

Can different wavelengths have same frequency?

For example, in a birefrigent medium (, the wavelength depends on the polarization, so two waves in the same medium and with the same frequency but different polarization can have different wavelengths.

Can two waves have the same frequency but different amplitudes?

Waves can be described in terms of their frequency and amplitude. These two waves have the same amplitude, but different frequencies. The higher frequency wave has a shorter wavelength (distance between successive peaks). These two wave have the same frequency, but different amplitudes.

How is it that two waves different frequencies can have the same speed?

Two sine waves with different frequencies: Beats One part is a sine wave which oscillates with the average frequency f = ½(f1 + f2). In the animation at left two waves with slightly different frequencies are travelling to the right. Since the two waves are travelling in the same medium, they travel with the same speed.

Can two waves have the same wavelength but different amplitudes explain?

Can two waves have the same wavelength but different amplitudes? Yes because they could have different amounts of energy.

Are frequency and wavelength inversely related?

Because the velocity is constant, any increase in frequency results in a subsequent decrease in wavelength. Therefore, wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional.

What does it mean when two waves have same frequency?

When two waves from a source have the same frequency and same velocity and they have a fixed phase relationship, they create coherence light. This means if two waves satisfy all necessary conditions but they have different amplitudes. is there any possibility to get a coherent light.

What would two visible waves of the same wavelength but different amplitudes have in common?

Does same frequency mean same speed?

Speed and frequency are two different things. Speed refers to the distance covered in a set amount of time. In general the speed of light, for example, is 300,000,000 m/s, meaning that every second it travels about 300,000,000 meters!

What’s the difference between intensity and wavelength?

Energy per unit time is measured in watts, so intensity is measured in watts per square meter. For a wavelength of, say 508 nm, the height of the graph gives the intensity of just that part of the light that has a wavelength between 507.5 nm and 508.5 nm.

Which wave has the highest frequency?

Gamma rays
Gamma rays have the highest energies, the shortest wavelengths, and the highest frequencies. Radio waves, on the other hand, have the lowest energies, longest wavelengths, and lowest frequencies of any type of EM radiation.

What is the equation for wavelength and frequency?

Frequency and wavelength are related terms used to describe electromagnetic radiation or light. One simple equation is used to convert between them: frequency x wavelength = speed of light. λ v = c, when λ is wavelength, v is frequency, and c is the speed of light.

How do you calculate the frequency of light?

The formula for the frequency of light waves is f = c / λ {\\displaystyle f=c/\\lambda } where the c is the speed of light. All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum but they travel at slower speeds when they travel through a medium that is not a vacuum.

What is the wavelength of radio?

The distance a radio wave travels in one second, in a vacuum, is 299,792,458 meters (983,571,056 ft) which is the wavelength of a 1 hertz radio signal. A 1 megahertz radio signal has a wavelength of 299.8 meters (984 ft).

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